Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Exercise - Suck It Up Princess!

It's a popular saying, one I use a lot. Used it many times today in fact :)
Now, who doesn't like the feel of sweat trickling down their backs, knowing all the while 'YOU ARE DOING IT!'?
It's freaking awesome understanding what you are doing is indeed a challenge, YET you ARE doing IT! No one else is accomplishing YOUR feat - it's a moment of intense bliss.
A second in time nobody can take away from you.
Creating an environment whereas other people "feel" this, is what keeps me doing what I love so much to do - Bliss Inducer, I am!
WW :)


Erik said...

hmmm, Can I join you? Or maybe you could teach me? (o=

Wonder Woman said...

Awww, you can!

Everyone is always welcome!!


Roci said...

Nice suits. A little thigh isn't so bad. I would bend you over... ah,,, but then you are married, And so am I, and, the Canadian thing would be a problem.

Have you looked at Lands end? They do wonders for your body style, whatever it is.

Roci said...

oops! wrong post. I suppose it doesn't make as much sense here.