Friday, September 29, 2006

Suck it up, Princess!

This is an email sent from a fitness client, her name, Bonnita.

Bonnita is a young vivacious creature of great beauty, strength and sucking it up-ness ;)

Thank goodness for that!

Bonnita types:*******************************
Excerpt from Wonder Woman's blog, September 28

One of my little old lady clients (- my favorite actually,) wrote today to tell me that she could hardly stand up, or sit down for that matter. Her arms hurt, her chest hurts and her stomach hurts. I feel so sorry for her, I think she should never have to work out so hard ever again poor thing.

Bonnita, thank you for your witty contribution to my evening.

Empathetically I state to you, "Suck it up princess!"

I add to that last remark, "You should never have to workout so hard (yes, my mind went off into spastic directions typing such a solid word...) ever again."

Then I retort quickly, with a smirk upon my lips, "Until next class."

Have a Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat Weekend!

*blows a kiss*


Anonymous said...

And here I was thinking about blowing off my gym membership. You've shamed me WW. A pen-pal of mine is going to skrool in your neck of the woods. What's Saskatchewan like compared to Alberta?

Wonder Woman said...

Skrool, what the hell is that? I'm pretty sure skrooling is illegal in Saskatchewan, be forewarned!

Compared to Alberta, Saskatchewan is flatter, has less people, and kinder people live here, of course :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm exercise wouldn't hurt like that if people would just get off their lazy asses and do it more often in reasonable amounts. Well, that and not eating several servings worth of food per meal.