Friday, September 29, 2006

Erratic Incidental Chance Deliberations

Friday came early (no pun intended) Thursday, when I returned home after running errands to be greeted by Seamus! I had made mention of missing him that morning to a friend, and VOILA there he was!

We shared some time together. I take pleasure in spending time with him, simple tasks done jointly. Evoking bigger smiles, deeper laughter. Each happening, a sensation of gratification - always :)

My eldest son had a football game, we all went to witness his talent on the field. The Marauders won, again. Undefeated, thus far *crosses fingers* - yay!

A tranquil evening followed.

All in all, a superlative day.


Friday morning arrived at the expected time of 5:30am.

Still cold ridden, but as always sucking it up :)

Overwhelming feelings of gratitude and contentment.

Thank you for the everything in my life. My thoughts throughout the day were just that, "thank you". Each instant providing proof to my conscious self, recollecting images of why I felt as such. Conclusion: Every day is a day to be rejoiced.

I truthfully feel this passionate.

I'm passionate.

Life, people, lessons, living, relationships, learning...



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