Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Hmmm, what can I, do I, choose to work on this year? Ahhhhhh, a goal, per se to strive to achieve. Something that requires effort, without the dooming feel of disappointment if not achieved.

Last year I had the goal to answer the phone more, and go outside of my home when invited out by others into their homes, parties, functions.

I didn't fully succeed, however I didn't fully fall flat on my face either. I will continue to work on these points as well as adding the few others confided above.

Hell, when does this learning shit ever end?

WW ;)


PS. This year I will make an effort in:

... to be continued ...


Double Minded Man said...

Hell, when does this learning shit ever end?

It varies, but usually is shortly before the medical staff declares your time of death

Doorman-Priest said...

Don't whistle with custard in your mouth.

Wonder Woman said...

Awesome point both of you!

I think working on my past "issues" continually might just be goal enough.

Work in progress...

Getting out more.
Less sugar.
Exercise every day.
Work on the hormonal PMS thing ;)

Hmmm, that sounds good!

Roland said...

Death usually puts a damper on trying to improve your whistling with custard in your mouth...

Such insightful things this new year :)

Wonder Woman said...


Thanks be to you Duckiepoo!