Monday, June 9, 2008

Now, 10 more, s-l-o-w!

I don't mind people whining, really.
It makes me...allows me...encourages me, to give the task at hand a whole new meaning.
This meaning usually includes: MORE! HARDER! KEEP GOING! YOU CAN DO IT! And finally SUCK IT UP!!!!
So, yeah, whining provokes a powerful response in my personality.
Some may error on the side of caution knowing this to be a truth; others test me...
Heh, heh, heh ;)
It's great to be, me!


Billiam said...

I was at the Costco in Niles, Il making a delivery one morning. I had just checked in, told to wait in my truck and as I was getting in, I noticed something buried in the grass. It was a pacifier. I cleaned it off, and attached it to the mic of my cb radio. Now, whenever I hear a driver whine, I give it a squeeze. I also get a chuckle out of it...

Wonder Woman said...

Plug it in, plug it in....

WW :)

Pronto said...

Aphrodite wore a girdle ???????

Wonder Woman said...

;) What goddess doesn't from time to time?