Monday, March 9, 2009

Goals, Objectives, Focusing...

Okay, I admit it, I'm goal/objective focused.

As of recently, reading has been a strong passion of mine. I jump from one book right into the next. Delving into each novel with both feet, anticipating the authors words as they dance before my eyes, page after page...

I tend not to watch a lot of television. And when the balance meter on the scale upsets, I watch too much television. Mind numbing story lines, program after program.

When I eat, I keep eating. I love food!

I enjoy a sweaty exercise session and then another, and another...

You get where I am going with this, I hope. If not, put back on your helmet and continue to lick those windows!

So, where the hell is this going you might be about to ask yourself. Yeah, well, April is when my "Learn To Run" class begins. I was thinking how I should really start training myself, before the encouraging of others is on. I, then needed yet another goal. Because, as listed above, I'M JUST LIKE THAT - I went online looking for marathons, charities, etc...

*Shaking Head*

It's true, I am contemplating running in another marathon. I'm freaking insane and perhaps in need of a prescription, QUICK! That is before I sign up and commit myself to this crazy idea... crazy talk... crazy action.

Diabetes, Greece, November...

Obviously a list of the pros and cons are in order.

My mind, it's a powerful tool ;-)


PS. All Goddesses should visit Greece at least once in their lifetime, right?

1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...

Greece - Marathon - Fundraising - Training = Hmmming a lot lately :)