Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bloggers in Hiding!

Currently I have read on two separate blogs and suspect on a few others that these blogging people's spouse, family, real friends don't know about their online blogging fun. Everyday friends are not aware such an avenue for your creativity exists? The blogger's identity - their blogging personality - a secret from those closest to them.

What the hell is that about?

If you don't want anyone you know to read what you type, rant, seduce, scream on about - don't freaking write about it! The "true you" can remain hidden if you're that much of a chicken shit. Holy Hannah people, your blog, your ideals, thoughts, beliefs are nothing but lies. Lying to yourself, to those closest to you, to strangers alike.

What type of person is this much of a coward?

Say what you need to say, or don't. The internet, nothing ever dies once it's been put online. Remember that. A tiny slice of advice for you fucktards, would you type what you're about to type/post whilst your wife/husband/grown child sits next to you? Hmmm, didn't think so :)

This may come as a great surprise to many of you and a few who really, REALLY know me as a REAL person are aware - I am who I type I am. Not hidden from anyone or anything. I am who I am, and f!uck you if you don't approve :) Embellish away...

Back to your regular scheduled programming.



Mike said...

Heh. What's got your panties in a bunch? Or should I say, who?

Roci said...

That's me. I'm the chicken shit coward. My entire team in Iraq does not know I post about them. I hide their identities too. I do it for security reasons. Not al-quaida security but security from the Army. I disagree with the Army's current policy about checking my blog and having editorial oversight. It is mine and to keep it mine, I do not tell the people I work with about it.

There are enough clues there for the earnest investigator to find me, but so far no one cares.

My wife knows about my blog but she is the only person I have banned from commenting there. She should send me email and not send me messages though my comments section.

To get over my feelings of cowardice, I feel compelled to go out looking for trouble tomorrow and take on a numerically superior force with just sharp knife and an evil grin.

Wonder Woman said...

*shaking head evil smile* You're middle name must be DANGER, Roci :)

Mike, uhh, just had a moment, I'm over it now :) But your comment did make me laugh aloud this morning - thanks ;)

Anonymous said...

Whew I just got verbally abused!!!
hehe I think I like it!!!

Erik said...

I don't tell anyone about my blog. But here is my reason... Everyone already knows my opinions and most people just don't like them. So since its my own little outlet that I can go to without causing close minded people apoplexy, I leave it to those who have a similar way of thinking.

Unknown said...

I like you just the way you are :)
But then I approve of anyone who uses the word "fucktard" in context...

Doorman-Priest said...

Well, don't you two look nice?

Billiam said...

WW, I LOVE it when you talk tough.. What a woman! Tell the hubby he's a lucky man. I'm sure he knows, but, rub it in, so to speak... LOL

Elusive Wapiti said...

Add me to the chicken-shit roster. My wife and my college roommate (only because he observed me blogging from his house once when I bunked down with him when visiting my children) know that I blog. That's it. Although I think my dad suspects but could care less.

As for cowardly, I'm with Roci. My opinions are mine and mine alone. Yet I think I'd get a fair amount of blow-back for a few of the things that I write and I don't want the HR mavens getting vectored in on me for creating a 'hostile environment' with my 'extreme opinions' or other such crap.

Thus my coworkers and others in my life are oblivious. Which is fine, I'd like to keep it that way.

Although I suspect that with a little sleuthing, I can be found. People already know where I work and what I do; it's a small town and people like me who do what I do don't exactly grow on trees.

Roci said...

Hey Pablo. I don't think you qualify anymore. You have to HAVE A BLOG.

Wonder Woman said...

*dances around the room, singing*.. "Like a virgin, touched for the very first time, like a viiiiiirgin with your heart beat next to miiiiiine, whooooooa..."

THOR said...

Well love, you are good at stirring the pot, shaking the tree, wobbeling the job, and whatever other euphamism you have for raising some shit. As usual, I'm with ya on this, if you can't tell everyone don't bother. It's all about bieng true to yourself. no keeping up appearances or other such s#!%.
And for Billiam it takes more than luck, the amount of skill and training involved in keeping my brain inside my head while living with the most amazing woman in the world is mindboggeling, that's why it takes a norse god named THOR to handle the likes of Wonderwoman. KABOOM!