Thursday, April 3, 2008

Random Gal, Mundane Thoughts!

Strawberries with a dab of honey for breakfast, mmmm, are a stellar beginning to any morning!

I'm grateful for my parents, after all without them, I wouldn't be here :)

The Biggest Loser, not into reality television, or much television programming, but I do enjoy this weekly show. I am always amazed at how hard they push themselves, how successful they feel about accomplishing crazy assed fitness routines whilst eating "correctly". When the scale tells them they have lost yet another 3 pounds for a total of 98 pounds, "HOLY SHIT!" escapes my mouth...
And this week my husband responded to my, "HOLY SHIT!" with a, "Yes, they've done great, but remember much you've lost..."
It was a proud moment, as I sometimes forget, I too have lost well over 100 pounds. At one point I was a fart away from 200 pounds banished :)
However, my healthy ass likes a bit more "junk in the trunk" .. I'm totally good with that!

Figured out how to "work" the kms gadget gage in the car... Tee he hee.

The new fitness classes have begun. Walking and learn to run classes, twice a week. Not as many people signed up as typically; alas it was mucho fun motivating those women into doing something they not only thought they couldn't do, but being there watching them - being a part of their weeks success. Man, I love that feeling!

Just finished my solo jog/walk/thingy. Sweaty and feeling fine!

Have a busier ending of the week at my shop. Pedicures, manicures, waxing -

Last week I was asked to join in this Wellness Clinic on a reserve nearby. What a fantastic opportunity! I met so many down to earth, genuine, beautiful women.. A long day, well worthy of any efforts put out by me. I hope I'm honoured again next year!

Chilled, ready to shower shortly.. after a game of scrabulous ;-P

Hey, take care out there, drive safe, BOTH HANDS ON THE WHEEL!
WW :)


Thoughts From Jeff said...

It took me awhile to understand your comment and then I looked at my comment and saw what you saw ...

*shakes head* :0

big smile :) not .....

Ginormous Boobs said...

How did you get so motivated?

Anonymous said...

Well done, WW!

I dropped over 50 myself many moons ago (like 20 years). Way to work hard and keep it off!

You keep us inspired (or at least intrigued), baby! Keep it up!

Roland said...

Congrats on losing the weight and keeping it off.
The next oreo I eat will be in honor of your hard work. ;)

Thoughts From Jeff said...

I think the post must be in code because I got lost in there somewhere.

Wonder Woman said...

LOL - Jeff The Great! It's okay, He is there to help guide you ;-)

HugeHooters - My fat got in the way (literally) when doing what I had always dreamt of doing, being a mom :) That alone was enough motivation for me.

When you're that low (not even talking about sex . . . whoa, creeped me out a sec too. . .) you could care less about yourself; my children are what made me wanna work that freaking hard!
Damn them.

Kidding ;-)

KeyWaaaaayDownSouthSlightlyToTheLeft - WAY TO GO YOU! You rock!!!
Keeping it off, and then on and then off.. 'it' being Nator ;-P
I always knew you were one amazing chick!

DuckiePoo - It's okay really, remember I'm not "down to" a fart away from 200 lbs lost any longer :) I will enjoy those oreos right next to ya! I just can't eat a whole bag *blushes*...apparently that's not a good thing *shrugs* Who would have known?

Okay kids, play nice; hands are for hugs NOT hitting... unless you require a good spank ;-P

WW :)