Friday, February 22, 2008

Top SEVEN List


Be happy. Pretend if you have to. It won't last long, soon you will be as happy as you faked being. Be happy dammit!

Drink a shit load of water. It flushes out, purifies, sheds excess, and plumps up wrinkles. Yea, it can be a chore to do, however it does benefit you!

Don't eat past 7pm. THIS IS FREAKING DIFFICULT! Near impossible, I KNOW. I also am reminded of when I chose to do this for TWO LONG MONTHS - 20 pounds lost. Just by not eating after 7pm. Crazy, but true.

4) Eat lots of fibre. Cleansing, it's a good thing :-P

5) Have a small reward each day. Why? Cos you made it through yet another day? Isn't that enough? Sheesh... the size of your fist in potato chips, cookies, ice cream, sweet baby carrots, whatever. YOU DO DESERVE IT.

6) Control your portions. A small plate is sufficient.

7) Eat small aka: reasonable meals/snacks, six of them through out your day. Begin with waking up, end at 7pm.

Repeat as needed, daily :)

WW :)


NotClauswitz said...

We do all that, mostly - it works!
The thin about eating after 7:00 is absolutely correct. ;-)

Erik said...

What a crackpot idea?!?! Not eating after 7pm? Had I followed that these past several months I would have wasted away to nothing! NOTHING AT ALL I tell you! You would be reading my obituary on my blog, assuming anyone knew how to update it or even of its existence (or importantly, if anyone even cared)

But then again, maybe you aren't intending this advice for overnight workers. But what is the fun in that? Its WAY more fun to overreact and feign offense at your remarks (o=

Roland said...

I have been on the oreo diet for quite a while now and am down 10 pounds. Smaller portions, but little nutritional value, so the exercise portion isn't really needed.
My co-workers seem to dislike my diet. I believe its called envy. ;)

Wonder Woman said...

Erik, don't make me come over there....

Roland, it's not what you put into your mouth (obvious holding back here) but how much (yet again my mind wanders...).

Okay what I want to get across is, you can eat chips (oreos, potatos, icing, whateverthehellyawant), in small amounts and nothing else.

Will you loose weight? Yeah probably, if you're not exceeding your caloric intake needed to keep your furnace - fuel machine going.

However, will it run as efficently? Nope, not at all.

Does this define a healthy being, with little nutrients and no exercise, again - NOPERS.

To each their own.

I like to eat. Yummy foods more so! (High in sugar, high in fat...) I also know in order not to be over 300lbs again, I need to moderate my "yummy" foods AND I MUST EXERCISE.

Physical activity is more for my brain. Knowing I did it, I can do it...blah, blah, blah ;) And it doesn't hurt the good ol' body a darn bit either!

So, THE GOLD MEDAL goes to...
DirtCrashr, whoever the hell you are! Yeaaaaah!
Take a bow...

Off to a two hour spin class ;-P
WW :)