Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Supersize Me!

CAUTION: Truth alert!


Women lie, just as men fib a little too ;)

The thing is, if you're good - GREAT!

If you suck (not literally), you better be hung.

It's the truth, why would I stretch (he he he) the truth?


Consequently, let's say you're a fumbling mess of lips n asshole AND have an eency weency package, is there hope?

Heck yeah, buy her a toy!


Erik said...

The thing is, if you're good - GREAT!

How can we know you are telling the truth? And are you the one who decides who is good or not? And if so, do you offer training and or some sort of certificate?

heidi said...

Erik, my dear, are you seriously trying to tell me you can't tell "delight" when you see it?

Please correct me if you think I'm wrong, but good, er, great sex, requires two students and two teachers. Of proper age... :)

Sometimes you teach, sometimes you learn.

Or you go buy a really nice toy and enjoy the show.

Erik said...

Oh, I can tell "delight" (o= It's a wonderful thing. And as for teaching and learning, I have a "rule" of no faking. I think women do themselves a huge disservice by doing that. A man will never know what she likes if she does so. If its not good for you, let it be known. If you are done you're done. But faking doesn't help things

Oh, and I think it only takes two people for great sex, but if four works for you...

heidi said...

Oh my! I certainly wasn't implying I wanted an orgy. What kind of freakish pervert do you think I am!

Ok, don't answer that!

I agree about faking. What a waste of effort for something that doesn't even feel good when just a little communication can make everything so much better.

Let's all raise our glasses and make a toast to...

"Never faking!"

Difster said...

There are ways to tell if a woman is faking. Noises, moans, groans, facial contortions and writhing aside, there's no way to fake the rise in body temperature immediately preceding an orgasm and or ummm certain involuntary muscular contractions afterwards. Of course different women experience these things to a different degree but an observant person will learn to tell the difference. If she's been faking all of it all along, you have much bigger problems.

Erik said...

I know you weren't implying an orgy Heidi. But you left that one so wide open I just had to!

I can't say as 2&2 would be my thing but seeing how I am a would-be polygamist I think 1&2 would be just fine (from time to time)

Wonder Woman said...

Okay I'm sick for a DAY people and you get all freakishly perverted on me...

Man, I love you guys :-P