Friday, November 30, 2007

Show 'em

Click it, oh for the love of all that's pure, romantic and sweet, DO IT! Don't mind the country - keep watching!


Erik said...

I think he has TRULY captured the heart of romance.

Roland said...

I don't feel like fighting now.
No more putting your hand over your breast to be patriotic.
Uncover them instead.
I wonder if this will catch on during the winter parades?

Erik said...

Uncovering my breast would also uncover my gun, (no pun there WW, sorry) and I am none too sure that would be a wise thing to do.

Roland said...

My gun is between my legs.
What kind of freak are you, Erik?!?

Wonder Woman said...

How one's gun is carried is perhaps an individual preference *shrugs*...

And if one's gun has to be orgamasized into place due to an oversized pistol, who am I to judge...

*singing* Does your gun hang low, does it wobble to and fro. Can you tie it in a knott can you tie it in a bow? Can you... (why yes Erik can) throw it over your shoulder like a ...FREAK (Roland is correct)... does your gun hang low?!!!!


Roland said...


Of course, that's the kind of FREAK that women go for.
Size does matter. ;)