Friday, October 12, 2007

Word of the Day for Friday, October 12, 2007
truckle \TRUHK-uhl\, intransitive verb:
To yield or bend obsequiously to the will of another; to act in a subservient manner.
Truckle is from truckle in truckle bed (a low bed on wheels that may be pushed under another bed; also called a trundle bed), in reference to the fact that the truckle bed on which the pupil slept was rolled under the large bed of the master. The ultimate source of the word is Greek trokhos, "a wheel."
Interestingly enough this word caught my eye, today ;-)

1 comment:

Roland said...

One of my favorite words is "callipygian"
It means having a well-formed behind.
A sentence using both those words might go like this:
"Hey woman! Truckle thy callipygian self over here that we might get it on!"

Glad to be of help. :D