Thursday, July 12, 2007


Definition: Confession is a written or oral acknowledgment of guilt by a party accused of an offense.

My offense: Bliss, obtained through teaching fitness classes.

My confession: Suffering Sappho!

I'm sore, I hurt, I suffer as all of you before me have suffered. My biceps AND triceps ache. My abs continually remind me, they're present. My quads and glutes scream out as I attempt to go downstairs, or get up from off of the toilet. (I drank much less water today, knowing HOW MUCH I HURT trying to get up off the porcelain bowl.)

Wednesday was the second class that I've participated in since my surgery. So, that would be about three months, LONG ago. However, I have the energy and I "gave er" yesterday during fitness class. Today, I am humble.

AND sore ;)

1 comment:

Pablo said...

Keep up the good work!