Sunday, June 24, 2007

Hurting Sex...

Obviously sex should never hurt.

Keys to sex not hurting:

  1. RELAX DAMMIT (even your first time) things go, good as gold. Now, this can also work for those of you who've beaten down that mulberry bush once too often, fake tightness by squeezing those vaginal muscles, don't let that bugger in, push, squeeze.. I know you can do it!
  2. Lubricate all areas. Not only is this tonsOfun but it help with all the slip slide action waiting to happen ;)
  3. Go s-l-o-w to begin, once you wear of that first layer of skin, sensation becomes less and you can indeed "giver" faster, harder. Pound those puppies!
  4. Make noise. Enjoy what's going on! Audio stimulation is fun, releasing, and again gets those juices flowing!
  5. Never have sex with a horse. I've heard such sickness, but heck, why would you wanna? Personal preference, yes. Suggestion: Instead of having sex with random farm animals, find a man who's hung like a horse? If that's not at all possible, bust out the good ol' toys! I'm amazing at this, aren't I?!
  6. Have sex with someone you love. And NO! You can't love more than one person THAT way. Ooops, my opinion again..

Go hard or go home!


mmaier2112 said...

I... have no words...

Wonder Woman said...

Any noises?


Anonymous said...

Avoiding it altogether is the least painful! hehehe

mmaier2112 said...

Noises... yeah. I've made some of those. Some of which even scared me!

Roland said...

Someone needed to say it.
Or did they?

Wonder Woman said...

Yeah, probably a need there ;-P