Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Smile ...

Emotions can be momentarily hidden with a smile. Fake it, until you indeed make it. A motto successfully used, knowing, it almost always works out.

I feel...

  1. It's warm outside, I feel gross.
  2. I feel disgusting, sad, angry and impatient.
  3. I'm tired.
  4. I choose to sit, but am restless.
  5. No energy, drive or ambition.
  6. Wanting to curl up and read a book - none "feel" like the right choice.
  7. Must appreciate this day, it's the only one I have right now.
  8. Feelings of guilt for being such a suckie baby.
  9. Over-thinking everything!
  10. Goals - feed people, do dishes, wash clothing, bathe...breathe through my mouth ( that way I can refer to my pathetic state of a human species as a "mouth-breather").
  11. Am smiling now.
  12. Humour, smiling until I can feel that smile from within.
  13. Thirteen thoughts like donuts, a baker's dozen, except - less sweet, full of holes, and not great for the hips ;)

The End...

1 comment:

Mike said...

I feel like staying home and doing nothing but playing Gears of War. Unfortunately, my boss doesn't feeel the same way ;)