Monday, December 4, 2006

Mundane Thoughts

Today, Monday is one of my favorite days. Beginning fresh, many things to do in a relaxed if I don't get to it all no one will die, kind of day, I like that!

Princess WW's List of to do...
I have home "stuff" like dishes, and laundry piled high.
Teach trois classes (2 of them will ensure a shower follows...).

Fellowship avec da sexy ladies.
Grocery shopping - lock n load!

Supply shopping...
A client for a pedicure after my last fitness class.
A couple of meals to make, and kisses to pucker out.

Doesn't look like much, it will inevitably keep me going from 7am - 8pm tonight though.

Then it's my time, to spend with my little monkeys, reading, or whatever else ;)

Bought a new book! "for one more day" by Mitch Albom. I do hope for this read to be equally as enjoyable as "Tuesdays with Morrie" or another favorite of mine, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven"... I love reading. It's a goal of mine to get back at it, help the ole' noggin.

My day looks very promising. Fun, family, friends, fitness, accomplishing goals, making others smile, as well, laughter is almost a given!

And I'm almost completely finished Christmas shopping - already!


Wishin y'all a hip hoppity day full of jazzy!



Anonymous said...

I've been trying to read a little more myself. Some of the stuff on my list comes from Roci's reading list. The book on the history of warfare is starting to become quite an interesting read. Once I'm done with that, I think I'll reread Dune and try to complete that series.

Pablo said...

I've been trying to read more too, lately. It ain't easy once you've gotten out of the habit, is it? Someone loaned me a book on leadership and the New Science. Chaos theory, quantum stuff, somewhat interesting. Think I want to read more history, though.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy history about different cultures involving the people, their lives, how it was, trials, overcoming great obstacles, etc...

I also enjoy short, mental wellness reads, as I am currently participating in with my new book!

December is a tricky month for me, lots of "history"...and many NEW memories to be made :)