Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Honoring those we adore...

My eldest daughter, my first born how much I adore you. The moment I was aware, 18 and a half years ago, that I was carrying life, you, I have been blessed with a new found purpose of existence.

Thank you.

Through your development I have experienced life as I always knew it could be. I have learned to unconditionally love, upholding my values whilst believing in myself all the time evolving into a strong self reliant woman.

My daughter, genuinely happy and generous. Her gorgeous mind brimming with potential, eager to learn, to figure out, to find... all that awaits her. I'm very proud of her accomplishments, her strengths, her kindness, her ability to seek that which is unfamiliar to her. I'm proud at how she tries, fails and succeeds. I'm astounded at what an extraordinarily innovative, creative, caring human being she's become. Beautiful. That smile of hers could knock any one's socks off, so pure, real, brilliantly glowing. She is indeed my day with sunshine.

Each and every day I am blessed, honored to say, "That's my daughter!"

I love you, MORE than chocolate baby-doll.

You're my everything, always and forever, love...

Mom xox
PS. Finals will be over soon. Deep breathing, you're doing great kiddo. You are a clever - tough - wise young woman, I believe in you my beautiful sunshine *kisses*..

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