Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Pink, Yellow, Green?

Gemstone Symbolism - Pink, Yellow, Green?

I have been researching gemstone colours and what they represent.

Call me flaky, I am :)

If I'm to accept a ring, as a token, blah, blah, blah I want it to be more than a mere token. I need this piece of metal, and slab of stone to truly bring to me, a sense of ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

How to put what I feel into words isn't always as easy as I plan previous - before, in my mind, I almost always make sense of it all ;) What I'm trying to get at is, I need beauty in my life. Whether it's a child's laughter, sunshine, a small furry non-vicious creature wanting attention, rainbows, kind people, bliss, a colour, ladybugs, a thought, cartoons, a feeling, etc.

I LOVE pink. Pink is a feel good colour. When I'm down, sad or simply just not having a super-fabulous day, wearing pink picks me up! Whoa, I'm THAT easy ;)

I love yellow. Sunshine, warmth, smiles, mmmm.

My favorite colour is green. No explanation really, it just is.

Now, how to decide? Educate, de-flake-ify, intelligently choose.

Here it goes...

The colours and stones I'm thinking about:

Citrine (Yellow)
Shields and protects the solar plexus. Tempers the energy of the power chakra, allowing for ease in dealing with others while maintaining your personal power.

Physical: Aids in digestion and elimination. Removes toxins and aids in regenerating the digestive system. It balances the thyroid and activates the thymus thereby allowing one to act from the purity of intent of the young in spirit; child like rather than childish.

Emotional: Increases contact with higher self and aids in the accomplishment of matters of daily living. Assists one in attracting those things necessary for life as the Gods that we truly are.

Kunzite (Pink)
Eases the entrance of life force into the physical body by strengthening the etheric, removes obstacles from ones path. Helps one to produce a shield against unwanted energies.

Physical: Balances the cardiovascular system, assists the body in receiving radionic treatments. Promotes the cellular blueprint with the perfect reproduction of the physical form.

Emotional: Opens the heart chakraand promotes the unification of the soul with the heart.

Sapphire (Pink)
Represents one’s connection with divine mind. Opens the mind to beauty and intuition.

Physical: Stimulates the regeneration of the pituitary gland and the ductless glandular system.

Emotional: Improves communication with spirit guides, promotes clarity and inspiration. Alleviates depression by helping the body correctly regulate the chemicals that affect moods.

This stone comes in every color of the rainbow and each color has a specific frequency that alters the human condition. As a general rule each of the colors correspond to a chakras and affect that energy center of the body.

Strengthens the immune system, clearing toxins in an appropriate manner and stimulating healing in the newly cleansed system. It also transforms negativity and generates an aura of opulence that translates to abundant material gain.

Treats the solar plexus allowing for an opening to the desires and a willingness to allow the necessary changes to take place that would allow for the desires to manifest.

Pink (Rubellite)
Stimulates the heart chakra and encourages the universality of unconditional love. Promotes loving aspirations to be realized in this reality.

Aids in the development of keener insight into dreams and alleviates hidden fears. Stimulates the greater use of mental capacity in the healing of the body.

Physical: Treats disorders of the spine, muscles and over-all general healing of the physical body.

Emotional: Balances the heart chakra and aligns and quiets the emotional bodies. Brings harmony to all areas of ones life. Eliminates negativity and assits one in remaining centered during the practical nature of ones work.

Gemstone Symbolism
The primary use for gems throughout history has been for healing and spiritual rituals. Although gems were rare and exhibited great beauty, the reason they were so precious was due to the power they imparted to their wearers.

They are storehouses of empowerment, transmitted through contact with one’s body. Kings and queens would have gemstones set in their crowns to obtain their potencies. They connected the monarchs with forces enabling them to rule guided by cosmic energies. Priests of different religions used gems in rings for similar reasons. Gems exhibit their power in a beneficial or detrimental way – depending on how they are used.

The inherent powers of gemstones are recognized by modern science in the technological uses of crystals in watches, lasers, and computers, but the more subtle potencies, such as their ability to promote physical healing in the body, or their power to help balance human emotions, elude modern science.

Here is an overview on the power of gems taken from All you wanted to know about Gems by Vijaya Kumar:

1) All stones or gems have magnetic powers in varying degrees, and many of them are beneficial to us for their therapeutic cures.

2) They emit vibrations and frequencies which have strong potential influence on our whole being.

3) They create strong energy fields which enable us to be charged with their energies.

4) The gems are used for healing, transforming, balancing, and attuning the body, mind and soul.

5) They are a manifestation of vibrancy, light and color, life, textures, transparency and clarity.

6) They activate our abilities, soothe and comfort, heal and balance through the purity of their rays.

7) The patterns in the stones reveal to us the changes that keep taking place, indicating that life is change – that the process of evolution is a cosmic law.

8) Each gem, tuned to a particular ray, has a special role to play.

9) The gems can be cleaned by leaving them under running water for six to eight hours. Or, bury them in some earth overnight, and rinse them off. Or, keep the stone in the flame of a candle until the candle melts. Or still, place the stone amongst a heap of quartz for several days, whereby its energy is revived from the contact of the quartz.

10) The gem that is cleaned should be placed in direct sunlight, for the sun is a great source of energy and purification.

11) The more precious stones that you wear, the more strongly will you be charged with cosmic forces, radiating out into your surroundings.

12) Wear your stones – Do not store them in a safe or jewelry box, for you will be depriving your body of their tremendous power.

13) Precious stones have a way of healing emotions that have been inharmonious.

14) The stones selected for use should always be in contact with one’s body to absorb their healing properties.

Here I am, still...

Oy vey!

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