Thursday, June 21, 2012

2 Sleeps!

The count down has begun,
2 sleeps until I will want to die..
and then I will feel reborn..
and then I get to eat cake!

Omg, I am so excited!

If I were a man, I would be sporting some wood right now at merely the thought of glorious, beautiful, delicious, mouth watering CAKE!


Breathing deeply, as always,
Wonder Woman xo


  1. Great picture of you and your man!
    Life is good in Edmonton, teaching and working out. Hope you guys have a great summer!

  2. Thank you, we have begun AWESOMENESS as I type...

    I wish you were my teacher!
    Heck, I wish I was young enough to be a student :)

    Take care, and be good...or sneaky! Sneaky works too!!!
