Thursday, April 19, 2012

Onto Week Four

Cutting back.
Adding more.

My goal, to lose 30lbs by June 23rd, and to run a 30km Mogathon Run June 23rd.
I am on WEEK 4. And feeling.. amazing! Other than the no ice cream thing ;-)
Soon my child, soon.

What goals, if any, do you currently hold?

Later Gator,
Wonder Woman xo


  1. Many. I hope, this summer, to do much work. A couple of new outside faucets, a new roof on the chicken coop, building a solar oven, reflooring the kitchen (and maybe taking the wallpaper off the kitchen walls) and... a thing or two more. If I can... just... move... Iron Man, it seems, can... has rusted. :p

    I'm not sure I'd trade you though. The only way I could lose thirty pounds of my ugly fat would require a guillotine. Thirty pounds, really? You are a brave woman. Wonder Woman eh? Maybe I'll try that in my next life. :)

  2. 16 more sleeps!!!! And heck this has been a battle!

    I have but 1.4 lbs left to lose, pretty sure I got this one covered ;)

    I never in a million years would have believed 12 years ago I would be HERE. Topping the scale at 330 lbs before I reached 30.. No where to go but, UP! UP! UP!

    Body - shut up, and suck it up!


    On June 23rd, for supper, after the run, I am ordering dessert for supper and dessert for dessert.. *insert drooling here*

    Chocolate - peanutbutter - ice creamy goodness!

    Conclusion: I CAN do it. I just hope my next goal isn't quite the challenge as this one seemed to be ;-) I am after all a chick - fraile and weak and shit!

    Wonder Woman xo
